'Park Jun-bae's 3rd goal of the season' was defeated 1-2 by Ansan and Anyang

Ansan Greeners FC owner Lee Min-geun, hereinafter Ansan failed to continue its unbeaten streak against FC Anyang.

Ansan lost 1-2 to Anyang in the 31st round of the "Hana Bank K League 2 2024" away game at Anyang Stadium on the 21st.

With its 3-4-3 formation, Ansan put Yang Se-young, Kim Do-yoon, and Park Jun-bae in the three-top. The midfielders were formed by Lee Taek-geun, Lee Ji-seung, Choi Han-sol, and Kim Dae-kyung. The three-backs were Kim Jung-ho, Kim Young-nam, and Jang Yoo-seop, while the goalie was Lee Seung-bin.

Ansan opened up a chance from the beginning. Kim Do-yoon attempted a mid-range shot at the 5th minute in the first half but headed straight to Anyang goalkeeper Kim Da-sol. Kim Jung-ho's mid-range shot at the 12th minute in the first half missed to the left. Yang Se-young's left footed shot, which intercepted Anyang's pass miss, was blocked by Kim Da-sol in the 17th minute.

Ansan, which led the game by occupying the ball, faced a numerical advantage. In the 24th minute of the first half, Anyang striker Nicholas hit Jang Yoo-seop with his head. The referee brought out a second yellow card to Nicholas. Nicholas was sent off due to accumulated warnings.

However, the team's joy was brief. Ansan allowed Kim Dong-jin to score the first goal in the 34th minute of the first half.

Ansan, which lost first, launched counterattack. Choi Han-sol's left-footed mid-range shot in the 37th minute was caught by goalkeeper Kim Da-sol. Lee Ji-seung's shot in the 38th minute was handled by Kim Da-sol.

Ansan constantly knocked on Anyang's goal. Kim Da-sol blocked both Kim Young-nam and Kim Do-yoon's consecutive shots in the 43rd minute of the first half. Lee Ji-seung's shot in the 44th minute of the first half was also saved by the goalkeeper. Choi Han-sol tried to score with a free kick in the second minute of the first half, but it went off high.

Ansan, which finished 0-1 in the first half, balanced the game as soon as the start of the second half. Park Joon-bae, who caught the ball in the penalty arc area, hit a left footed shot in the third minute of the second half. Park Joon-bae's shot was inserted into the bottom corner of the goal.

Ansan put pressure on Anyang. Yang's shot at the 11th minute of the second half went straight to Kim Da-sol. However, he lost a point to Yago in the 14th minute of the second half to yield the lead again.

To change the flow of the game, head coach Lee Kwan-woo called in Kim Dae-kyung and Yang Se-young in the 20th minute of the second half and put in Jung Yong-hee and Han Young-hoon.

Ansan made efforts to balance the situation. Choi Han-sol, who received a pass from Kim Young-nam in the 22nd minute of the second half, attempted a left-footed shot, but it deflected to the right. Han Young-hoon's shot at the 25th minute of the second half also had no impact on scoring. Since then, he replaced Kim Do-yoon and Lee Ji-seung with Kang Soo-il and Kim Woo-bin, taking the reins of his offense. At the 32nd minute of the second half, he took out Park Joon-bae and added Kim Joon-hyun, throwing the final shot.

"I did my best to score the equalizer with the remaining time." Kim Young-nam aimed for the goal with a free kick at the 35th minute of the second half, but was blocked by Kim Da-sol's good defense. Kim Woo-bin's shot inside the penalty box at the 4th minute of extra time in the second half went wide. He ended up losing 1-2. 바카라사이트

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